Sunday, July 24, 2016

Calling Home with Violet Clarity

Calling Home  with Violet Clarity

Divine Blog #6  July 2016

Good Morning, Little One! Today’s blog title shall be called “Calling Home”. As you well know, now is the time to go deeply, richly within and acknowledge, accept and receive the “direct line”-your direct lineage-to the Godhead. Home. Peace. Respite.
Bliss is a resplendent place and also the place of “limitlessness” you have been seeking. It is a state of vibration easy enough to obtain and only easy to maintain if one is committed to bliss as a quest, not a recreation. It fairly precludes immersion back into the 3D World of man at this time.
Do you not see this? Can you not reach and feel for the disparity between a life of blissful delights and endless manifestation instead of the pressures of the hum-drum, even horrors, of the man-created World you humans think of as “reality”? To go between these states is a feat more often thought of as lost polarities. You are thinking “bi polar”, but that is not quite it.
You often refer to the title of a book you once had “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry”. This has become your mantra when you “regroup” yourself between your energetic and otherworldly journeys. You ground yourself. You fortify yourself to open your eyes and look around you in wonder and understanding of a World your heart tells you has gone terribly wrong.
We say the World is not “wrong” but is a product of man’s free will choice. You feel irritated at that notion for the constructs, controls and choices throughout the centuries have set in the DNA. You do not feel the institutionalized teachings, and yes, “machinations” (we will use the word you are thinking) of the everyday World are choices.  You still balk at believing people choose to themselves the suffering and hardships they endure. Do you not yet grasp that these are the varying experiences that are available or even necessary to a timeless being? We know that you do but the ego has ever whispered “unfair” into the ears of man.
There is no “unfair”. Karma is a type of “justice”, as justice is merely a balancing of the scales. Those of you in the legal profession can picture this: the blind lady of the scales, the goddess Portia, helpmate to beloved St. Germain.
Let us talk of the work, the healing inherent in the vibration of St. Germain. He brings his violet light-a frequency of purity. To envision a brilliant ball of violet light descending down through the crown chakra, emanating downward through the body, filling the major chakra centers, outsourcing to fill the auric field, stretching beyond and down through and below your feet. Bathe in it, Little One! Bathe in the blessed vibration of violet light. It’s purity will bless you. You will be clarified, fortified and made anew. These are the Truths in how to obtain a place of bliss, for bliss is your divine birthright. That is why we shall call this blog writing “Violet Clarity”. Instead of “after” the ecstasy, be in ecstasy and still do your laundry.
Now we would also like to talk today of self0caring. Many of you come from a subconscious place of lack, of scarcity. For some, and you will know who you are, it is from a past time of living life as an ascetic. Yes, those of you who devotedly sought the bliss and road back to Father often neglected yourselves; your nourishment; your bodies. Your bodies are your precious vehicles. It is difficult to understand how humans can be so good about washing the car, getting a tune-up, doing the oil change yet forget to properly fuel your own vehicles-your bodies- with fresh water, pure, light foods and deep respite. You humans wear your inability to sleep like a badge of honor. We say to you, do you not see a deep, restorative sleep is not only your birthright but the communication channel of the father? How do you receive the messaging if your TV set is broken?
We know this time on Earth has made the easy nutrition of your bodies a task and a chore. But can you not take a moment, the moment before consumption of any product, to pray over it? To thank your food?  Why would you not ask to lift the vibration of anything put into your bodies by asking for it to be aligned to your own highest, best interests? Are you not worthy of the seconds it would take to bless yourselves thusly?
Let us mention “worth” and “worthy”. Today we shine light into you, into your belief system that you are not worthy or that someone else is not. Worthy is not a competition. It is not tied to scarcity or lack. Worthy is not a goal, nor is the “withholding  of worthy” a punishment for it is an illusion. You-Are-Worthy-In-All-Things.  Done. Simple. Factual. The one next to you is worthy-in-all-things. It has been so forever and cannot be any other way.
The depravity, the cruelty, desperation, depression of mankind has collectively created a system of belief in “unworthy”. It is an illusion. “Worthy” is what you are and what you are is vibration. Worthy is a vibration of Divine Order and Love, so today we ask you to say this: “I am Worthy. Lord, I am Worthy.” You are worth a lot! You are worth everything. There is no thing, no one with more worth than you. A no one with less. This is not about stockpiling bricks of gold or chests of gems. This is about Truth and the unmeasurable wealth of yourself as Divine Creation. You are Worthy!! You are Divine Love of which “worth” is only a piece, but an important piece for the corruption of self-worth propagates separation of the soul. An ego that would tell you “you are not worthy”; a church that would put you on your knees to decry “Lord, I am not worthy”, seeks to keep you separated. These are attempts to snuff your Knowing of yourself in your Divinity,
Rebel! We say “wake up and rebel!” Claim your wholeness, your worthiness. Yes, Little One, you are seeing in your mind making up t-shirts with slogans that say “I am Worthy”, “We All Have Worth”, “Worthy, We Are” (laughter heard). We applaud this! Imagine a World where everyone wore their “worthy” openly, seeable, readable upon their hearts. See a World where every time you looked upon your brother or your sister, you could see-see and read the Truth- that they are worthy! That You are worthy! Knowing that all are precious unto the Lord.
Now you are thinking some of our language may not resonate with those who have differing belief systems. You fear an atheist or agnostic being will be turned away from the reading we are giving you through our use of our words. Little One, the Lord, Father God, is real-you know this. The beauty of this cannot be labeled or denied. There are many paths but only one Truth. There are many different occasions and timing for discovery but still, only one Truth. All beliefs, no matter how packaged, wrapped or presented have only this one single Truth.
So for today, we say this is about t-shirts. This is about every human, despite religion or lack thereof, can still envision a World of t-shirts that proclaim “We are Worthy”. We see you and we know this to be true. Wake up! Wake up! The  slumbering burden of “unworthiness” upon your heart, mind and soul is a burden you have long carried and we rejoice! We rejoice today to see you choose, consciously choose the vibration of Worthiness for yourselves and all others.
If you each look upon the other as worthy, then do not your differences and disagreements evaporate? If you feel our equality in all being exactly fully worthy, do you not see the heart, the light, the smile of the one before you? Can you not see your own worthy self in the equal worth of your brother and sister?
Any resistance you feel is the terrified, diminishing voice of your disparate small ego, who has long fed on your “unworthiness” or the “unworthiness” of others. It is a lie. It is a blood-sucking, soul diminishing lie from a bloated leech. Cease to feed the small self ego and it shall release its greedy hold.
Now, Little One, you are shaking your head in wonder at all you have just written. You had no anticipation when you felt inspired to pick up your pen. But you understand how to live wonder-full and we say to you there is much more to share.
We thank you, Little One, for your presence today. Long have we desired to communicate through your desire to be willing to scribe. We applaud you. We thank you. We love you. To this we say not just our scribe but to you, dear reader, as you uplift yourself today in your Worth; the Worth of others and in doing so, the ascension of your Earth. Blessings!

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